- MGH Morphometric Analysis Center
MGH Morphometric Analysis Center
The MGH Morphometric Analysis Center (MMAC) is established for the generation of neuroanatomic morphometric measurements. The operational synergies in the combined approaches of the Center for Morphometric Analysis (CMA) and the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging as well as the commonality of the application areas represent a unified approach to the delivery of these morphometric measures to the Partners community. The Core transitions morphometric methods developments into ‘production mode’, as the efficiency and quantity of application areas grow. The MGH Morphometric Analysis Center provides the infrastructure to support the necessary level of administrative, operational, financial and physical presence that is necessary to provide a more efficient, cost effective and flexible morphometric measurement service to meet the needs of the clinical community.
Personnel/Contact Information:
Director: Nikos Makris, M.D., Ph.D.
Phone: (617) 726-5743
Fax: (617) 726-5711
Co-Director: Marek Kubicki, M.D., Ph.D.
Co-Director: Brad Dickerson, M.D.
Email: bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Co-Director: Yogesh Rathi, Ph.D.
Email: yogesh@bwh.harvard.edu
Facilities and Equipment:
Location of Core:
The facility is located at Building 149 13th Street, Room 10.018, Charlestown.
Major Equipment:
- Multi-TB online disk space for storing morphometric image data and for software development
- Linux-based image analysis servers; 1 dedicated web server; 1 dedicated data storage RAID
The services that are offered fall under three classes of anatomic procedure: ‘General Segmentation’, ‘Cortical Parcellation’, and ‘Cerebellar Parcellation’. General Segmentation includes all principle gross structures of the human brain, including cortex, white matter, and cerebral deep gray matter structures. Cortical Parcellation involves assessment of the cerebral cortex in the context of gyral-based regions. Cerebellar Parcellation involves assessment of the cerebellum cortex in the context of lobule-based regions.
Each of the classes of anatomic analysis can be delivered in an ‘automated’ and ‘manual’ mode. The ‘manual’ mode involves substantial technician involvement in all stages of the segmentation procedures, and follows a long established analysis and anatomic definition protocol. The ‘automated’ mode involves reduced technician intervention, but follows newer, computationally encoded anatomic analysis conventions.
To access the core, please contact Nikos Makris by email at nikos@cma.mgh.harvard.edu.
Departmental Web Link: