The Antibody Core Facility provides commonly used monoclonal antibodies to the BWH research community. The antibodies are available in convenient 500µg aliquots at a cost substantially lower than that of commercial vendors.
Offers support for apheresis collection services.
The AUTISM RESEARCH CORE (ARC) at the Lurie Center in Lexington, MA provides a suite of services including neuropsychological assessment and testing, clinical research study implementation, including recruitment and regulatory management, nursing services, phlebotomy and sample processing, and consulting services.
The core generates clinically approved compounds for PET scans, research tracers for human use, preclinical tracers, novel tracers as requested by investigators and offer small animal imaging services such as microPET/CT and microSPECT.
The BioMEMS Core (BMC) provides know-how and state-of-the-art facilities for biomedical investigators interested in new microfluidic tools to measure, control, and perturb the cellular microenvironment at the scale comparable to cell size.
The Core will provide statistical services that include consultation for grant preparation, data management, data analysis, electronic data capture, and the management and coordination of multi-center clinical trials to Clinical and Laboratory Investigators.
Bone Cells Core facility provides specific-type bone cells isolated directly from wild type and/or genetically modified animals. The core provides tools, such as vectors, plasmid and lentiviruses, to manipulate these cells. Finally, the Core offers in vitro fluid flow and simulated microgravity experiment services.
The core provides high quality, reproducible measures of bone mineral density (BMD) and body composition by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
The core provides state-of-the-art high-quality research assays, especially useful for clinical research, to the investigators at reduced costs. The list of assays offered by the core may found in the core website.
The facility is equipped with, Olympus FV1200 confocal microscope (without multi-photon capability) consisting of an Argon 458/477/488/514 nm laser, a Green HeNE 543 nm, a Red HeNe 633 nm laser, and a Coherent ULTRA near infrared tunable Titanium Sapphire laser (690 - 1040 nm). The systems allow a range of experiments with fixed or live samples with time lapse function available on all systems making it possible to perform experiments over time courses in 5 different channels. Investigators with expertise in mammalian cells, yeast cells, Drosophila and Zebra fish embryos and ovaries, bacteria, and other tissues are available to help the users.
Provides small animal husbandry and help with procedures.
Provides access to over 3 million IRB approved frozen biosamples from Nurses Health studyI and II, Physicians Health Study I, Healthcare Professionals Follow-up Study and Growing-Up Today Study.
The Center for Advanced Molecular Diagnostics (CAMD) is a CLIA-certified Clinical Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory. Our mission is to provide high quality innovative molecular genetic diagnostic services to support the patient care missions of clinicians and clinical researchers.
Not a Core. Canary is a free / open-source platform for development of natural language processing (NLP) tools. It is a GUI-based software that is oriented towards researchers, clinicians and analysts without computer science background to empower them to create their own NLP tools.
The Core provides cell sorting and flow cytometry analysis services to the research community at the Brigham and WomenŠ—Ès Hospital (BWH) and the Longwood Medical area.
The Cardiovascular Physiology Core provides cutting edge preclinical research tools including surgery, non invasive rodent and fish imaging and multiplexed ex vivo and in vivo physiologic measurements, including blood pressure. It is a full service preclinical core serving the Partners research community, and its academic and industrial partners.
offers access to Nikon A1 laser scanning confocal microscope with state of the art imaging facility with resonant scanning and spectral imaging capabilities.
The core offers NGS and Sanger DNA sequencing, fragment analysis, mouse genotyping, and automation of various assays for research purposes.
The Cell Resource Core specializes in liver cell isolation's from human, rat and mouse tissues. We have also expanded our services to include small animal microsurgery, organ perfusion, micro-surgical tool rentals and training in all of the above services.
This Core provides flow cytometry cell sorting services and droplet-based single cell multiomics.
This core provides research investigators with experienced research staff to assist in the start-up, implementation, and close out of clinical research studies. Services provided include Biostatistics, Nursing and Nutrition, Outpatient services and Research coordination.
Provides small animal husbandry and help with procedures.
We are the research arm of the Center for Integrated Diagnostics (CID) at MGH. We provide molecular diagnostics assays and help with clinical trials, early translation all the way to clinical validation, integration and utility assessment in practice.
The Core will provide services to measure levels of a variety of signaling molecules, such as cAMP, IP3, iCa++, and P-ERK-1/2, in cell culture or tissue systems.
The goal of the core is to serve the computing needs of the epidemiology community of the Channing Laboratory and beyond. In that vein, the Core provides fast access to our server for data management and analysis and storage for large data sets especially for whole genome genetic studies.
The Chronobiology Core provides a central resource for trained personnel specialized in Chronobiology procedures, available to Investigators on an hourly basis.
The Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) core provides users with FDA-approved method for the isolation and quantitation of circulating tumor cells from peripheral blood samples of patients with metastatic cancers.
The Clinical Research Center provides Nursing, Metabolism and Nutrition, and Lab support services to the MGH and affiliated communities. Our clinical unit is capable of supporting a wide variety of both inpatient and outpatient research studies, as well as ancillary lab assay support.
The facility is equipped with, Nikon TE200-U inverted microscope with Nomarski optics, epifluorescence and scanning confocal system. A range of experiments with fixed or live samples with time lapse function and fluoresecence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) are available.
Provides clinical samples or consented patient samples to research purposes.
Scheduling and access to Leica SP8 and Leica SPE confocal microscopes
The core offers: *The Olympus Multiphoton FVMPRE-RS Microscopy System for cutting-edge research imaging
The program offers high resolutions magnetic resonance (MR), positron emission tomography (PET-CT), signal photon emission computed tomography (SPECT-CT), computed tomography (CT), Fluorescence mediated tomography (FMT-CT/MRI), bioluminescence (BLI), various fluorescence imaging technologies and intravital confocal and multiphoton microscopy. The integrated program also provides several mouse holding facilities for serial surgery anesthesia, veterinary care and injection of imaging agents. Imaging recontruction, 3D display fusion, quantitative imaging analysis and server access area also available.
The mission of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Metabolic Disorders (CVDM) Research Center is to foster and stimulate collaborative research and technological innovation that will lead to groundbreaking and effective approaches for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. The core is a repository of human myocardial, vascular, and stromal tissues.
The core offers conventional karyotyping and fluorescent in situ hybridization of both human and rodent samples and array based comparative genome hybridization.
The DF/HCC Specialized Histopathology Services Core in MGH provides high-quality, timely, state-of-the-art technical and professional pathology services to investigators. The core has expertise working with human tissues as well as a variety of experimental models (including rodents, fish, pigs and monkeys). The Core performs routine histology and special histochemical stains and also assists in experimental design and the development, application, and interpretation of biomarkers. Services include: • Tissue trimming, processing and embedding, • Cutting and staining of paraffin-embedded sections • Cutting and staining of frozen OCT sections • Special stains • Immunohistochemistry manual - optimization and staining, for routine and novel markers • Immunohistochemistry automated - optimization and staining, for routine and novel markers • Eye pathology services (human and mouse) • Dual staining (immunohistochemistry)
The core laboratory provides objective anatomic and functional imaging measurements, which enhances the efficiency and quality of clinical trials.
The mission of the Clinical Research Program Study Coordinators Core (CRP SCC) is to provide infrastructure support for clinical research investigators at the MGH.
High fidelity driving simulator with 225 degree horizontal field of view equipped with a 6-camera remote eye and head tracking system.
The BWH Emergency Medicine Research Core provides research investigators with assistance in the implementation of clinical research studies, especially in the emergency department. This includes general research coordination (screening, consenting, performing study procedures, data entry), project management (IRB and regulatory documents maintenance), basic data service (REDCap development and maintenance, data entry). We can also provide Qualified Bilingual research staff who can interact with Spanish-speaking research participants).
The EMNet HSR Core provides researchers with access to emergency department (ED)-related HSR data, data analysis expertise, and ED survey capabilities to facilitate research on access to emergency care, quality of emergency care, and patient outcomes.
This core provides frozen fecal material for transplantation for treatment of recurrent colitis, especially C. difficile colitis.
The GTVC offers production of high titer, high-quality, research-grade recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAV) for in vitro and in vivo applications. Make a customized rAAV vector order or choose from our inventory. rAAV vector titers are determined by ddPCR, purity analysed by SDS-PAGE, both of which are included in the service. Endotoxin testing of rAAV vectors can be performed upon request.
GENOMICS INSTRUMENTS: High-throughput DNA and RNA sequencing As part of the service that our NeuroTech Studio provides, our customers can access the brand new Illumina NextSeq 550 sequencing machine. You can choose either to upload the data to Illumina’s cloud storage or save it to the designated space on Partners’ ERISone high-performance computing cluster. For later, we will take care of your data with seamless service, from data management, data backup, data QC, downstream NGS analysis, till the final uploading to GEO/dbGap before your publication. It’s an affordable, secured, and customized service that both you and your data deserve. Single-cell Genomics We also provide a single-cell genomics platform: 10x Genomics CHROMIUM CONTROLLER. You can use it for Single Cell CNV, Single Cell Gene Expression, Single Cell Immune Profiling, and Single Cell ATAC. Analysis Service At this stage, the program will primarily provide NGS data analysis service, including but not limited to: - Data management (storage/backup, meta-table management, GEO/dbGap submission), - RNA-seq analysis (from raw sequencing data to QC, to normalized gene expression table, group comparison, pathway analysis, and interactive reporting and visualization of the results), - Small RNA-seq analysis (e.g. miRNAs, circRNAs, piRNAs, eRNAs, etc.), - Single-cell omics analysis (10x Genomics pipeline, clustering, trajectory analysis, spatial transcriptomics, etc.), - ChIP-seq analysis (e.g. QC, peak calling, differential binding, UCSC Genome Browser visualization, etc.) - Variant calling from genotyping/WGS/WES data, and - Other next-generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis (ATAC-seq, CAGE, ChIA-PET, Hi-C, etc.)
This core provides access to cutting edge genomics technologies and computational biology resources for Partners investigators.
The core offers high-resolution, low dose in vivo imaging of bone structure at the peripheral skeleton in human subjects. Images are acquired in ~ 3 min using a second generation high resolution peripheral computerized tomography (HR-pQCT; XtremeCTII; Scanco Medical AG, Brutisellen, Switzerland). This technology is especially useful in studies of skeletal fragility (e.g., osteoporosis, spinal cord injury).
The core offers histopathological studies including examination of tumor specimen, neurohistopathology, immunohistochemical studies on human, non-human primate and rodents calibrated primarily for MGH users. A sister facility caters BWH users.
The Core provides an advanced level of sorting and analysis services to its investigators.
This core investigates HIV pathogenesis and evaluates preventive and therapeutic interventions, as well as immuno-oncological frameworks. This endeavor is done by the creation of an improved humanized mouse model capable of generating HIV-specific human cellular and humoral immune responses.
The HSDRC provides access to fresh and banked human skin specimens and cutting edge techniques for analysis of human skin including CyTOF mass cytometry, multiplex immunofluorescence microscopy, T cell receptor sequencing, and NanoString gene expression analysis.
The ID Retrovirology Core processes samples from HIV- and HCV-infected patients participating in clinical research studies. Services include plasma and serum separation, peripheral blood Cncermononuclear cell isolation and cryopreservation, and preparation of cell pellets.
Breaking down barriers to translational research is the key to finding new approaches to inflammatory arthritis in adults and children.
The Imaging Core provides services for image capture, image computation, and biomarker staining.
The Core isolates and distributes high quality human, non-human primate, porcine and rodent islets for basic scientific research studies.
This research resource core will organize, label, maintain, and distribute rare-earth metal labeled antibodies for CyTOF mass cytometry.
The Core provides site-related services for multi-site research under the oversight of the Mass General Brigham IRB.
The core provides breeding and husbandry of gnotobiotic mice and assists investigators with analyses regarding effects of metabolic, immunologic and other physiologic effects following host colonization commensal and/or pathogenic microbes. The core also provides consults on microbiome and bioinformatics.
MIC offers the research community a wide range of magnetic resonance and near infrared imaging services including all types of major structural, functional, neurochemical and electrophysiological techniques to integrate with other research and clinical programs both at McLean Hospital and with research groups in the Boston area. Services include consultation, protocol development, data storage and analysis.
The MGH Metabolic Imaging Core (MMIC) offers specialized imaging techniques including high-resolution soft tissue magnetic resonance imagining (MRI), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), quantitative computed tomography (QCT), and ultrasound.
The core provides the necessary expertise and services to analyze variations in individual genome that translates into medical decisions, practices, interventions tailored to the individual patient (or a small cohort) based on their predicted response or risk of disease.
The ERIS Research Computing Core provides consulting and technology services to researchers and their project teams at competitive hourly rates. The Core collaborates with users on finding efficient solutions using technology for the unique needs of research environments
The core provides information management and analysis needs of the MGH/Partners/Harvard research community as well as non-profit organizations and industry.
Offers comprehensive positron emission tomography (PET) services. The core has state of the art facility for PET/CT scans including automated radiochemical synthesis facility, large bore PET scanner, Siemens SPECT system and planar gamma cameras, neuro PET/CT high sensitivity brain scanner, and VISTA small animal micro PET/CT scanner.
This core provides flexible morphometric measurement service, especially neuroanatomic morphometry, to meet the needs of the clinical community. It operates in conjunction with Martinos center for Imaging.
The Core provides access to the most sophisticated flow cytometers and mass cytometer (Helios) presently available for cell sorting, flow cytometric analysis and single-cell mass cytometric analysis respectively.
The core provides Transmission electron microcopy and confocal microscopy services.
The Mission-Driven Service Core provides custom services for investigators in the Partners community to carry out genetic studies in human disease.
The core offers a library of services to study protein-protein interaction at the cellular and molecular level. The technology offered include fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies, high quality epifluorescence, time lapse microscopy, data analysis and storage facilities.
This core custom generates cDNA clones and shRNA lentiviral constructs for investigators.
The BWH NeuroTechnology Studio provides access to advanced instrumentation for optical microscopy, genomics, metabolic imaging and other technologies, including image analysis software. We also provide expert support and training for new and experienced users. Our primary focus is neuroscience research but we also welcome users from other fields.
Center for Integrated Healthcare Data Research
The Laboratory for Molecular Medicine (LMM) is a CLIA-certified molecular diagnostic laboratory, operated by Partners HealthCare Personalized Medicine.Ê
The core offers synthesis and purification of custom peptides. It also offers protein sequencing (automated Edman degradation) and protein mass spectrometry services.
The Integrated Analytics core has been established by the division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics to allocate computer programmer effort and closely related costs to federal and non-federal projects. The division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics specializes in analyzing massive data sets related to prescription data use.
The core will serve as a resource for studies in cardiovascular medicine using NMR. The core provides tools to define the cardiac energetics (using 31P NMR), metabolism (using 13C NMR) and hemodynamic function (the isovolumic contractile performance) of isolated hearts.
The core offers access to state-of-the-art optical, fluorescence, and electron microscopy (including immunogold labeling), and image analysis software. Major equipment includes a JEOL 1011 electron microscope, Nikon A1R, Nikon AXR and Zeiss LSM800 with Airyscan confocal microscope platforms, Nikon 90i and 80i conventional fluorescence microscopes, Microtome, Vibratome,Leica cryostats and ultramicrotomes, and an MMI laser cut micro dissection system.
Supports BSL-3 level experimental procedures by investigators at Partners Healthcare and Boston community. The core aims to enable external users to access the unique benefits of a BSL-3 facility, and to provide comprehensive services in support of this goal.
The Ragon Institute offers flow cytometry, fluorescence-activated cell sorting, and advanced microscopy and image analysis services.
Provides imaging service for research purposes.
The core provides high quality pharmaceutical services to the research community and supports growth of McLean HospitalŠ—Ès clinical research portfolio.
The RNA Therapeutics Core (RTC) at the Gene and Cell Therapy Institute of MGB is dedicated to supplying high quality custom circular RNA to the MGB research community and beyond. In addition to providing stock circRNA encoding commonly used proteins for any application, the RTC takes custom synthesis requests to generate circRNA encoding nearly any gene of interest and can formulate RNA into lipid nanoparticles. The RTC plans to offer GMP-grade material at scales required for first in human clinical trials to facilitate the translation of discoveries from bench to bedside. With a suite of cutting-edge RNA technology solutions including machine learning-guided sequence design, the RNA Therapeutics Core stands ready to partner for circRNA research and development.
The Sample Processing Laboratory (SPL) is a centralized core facility for processing research samples obtained from patients enrolled in clinical trials of anticancer chemotherapeutic agents at the MGH Cancer Center (MGHCC), for short-term storage and shipment to designated laboratories.
The core houses an Agilent Seahorse XFe24 instrument and provides functional metabolic studies on live tissues and cells.
The Schepens Eye Research Institute of Mass. Eye and Ear (SERI) Morphology Core provides histology preparation, technical assistance and training services for light, confocal, and electron microscopy.
The Sleep & EEG Core within the Division of Sleep Medicine (DSM) provides an integrated infrastructure and knowledge base in support of research projects that use polysomnography (PSG), quantitative EEG analysis and related methodologies
The Smart and Autonomous Medical Systems (SaAMS) Core provides access to diverse medical devices, mechanical and electronic patient simulators, medical gas supplies, measurement instrumentation, data acquisition and storage, and access to the experts who know them best.
The Core provides cell sorting and flow cytometry analysis services to the research community at the Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and the Longwood Medical area.
The aims to establish the impact of genetic variation on the function of the human body. It is also a resource that provides a source of fresh and stored biological samples from healthy human subjects, as well as an electronic atlas that references the expression of genes to the variation found within those genes for research use.
Centralized repository of patient and normal tissue and blood samples.
The Translational Discovery Laboratory (Core) provides state of the art facility and trained staff for large animal experimentation with an emphasis on percutaneous cardiovascular technologies.
The Translation Research Center provides support for industry-sponsored clinical trials for MGH investigators. Our clinical unit is capable of supporting a wide variety of both inpatient and outpatient research studies, as well as providing project management, regulatory, and research coordinator support.