SERI Morphology Core

Director:  Tatjana C. Jakobs, MD, Associate Scientist, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School,  Dept. of Ophthalmology

Schepens Eye Research Institute of Mass. Eye and Ear, 20 Staniford Street, Boston, MA 02474

Core Summary:

The Schepens Eye Research Institute of Mass. Eye and Ear (SERI) Morphology Core provides technical assistance and services for light, confocal, and electron microscopy. Priority will be given to SERI PI Researchers with NIH-NEI R01 Grants as we are principally funded through a NIH-National Eye Institute P30 Core Grant (P30EY003790). Routine histology sample preparation services include: Routine histological processing, sectioning and staining for frozen, paraffin, methacrylate and epoxy resin tissue preparations. Complete transmission electron microscopy (TEM) service includes; automated processing of tissue, semi-thin and thin sectioning of cell and tissue samples, TEM imaging and digital image acquisition (FEI Tecnai G2 Biotwin Spirit TEM with a AMT Camera) and scanning electron microscopy (JEOL JCM-7000 Neoscope SEM). The Core Facility Staff assists with technical problems, procedures, and training on instrumentation inclusive of; Ocular histology & electron microscopy protocols, cryostat sectioning, brightfield, fluorescence, confocal and electron microscopy. The SERI Morphology Core provides training on two Leica confocal microscopes (SP5 & SP8), Nikon Epifluorescent Microscopes, and a Leica LMD laser microdissection system for SERI Researchers. For PHS, Non- MGB Academic, and External Industry Clients please contact us with service requests prior to ordering with PCMS in order to potentially accommodate your needs.

OVERVIEW Brochure;


  1. Technical assistance and sample preparation for light, electron, and confocal microscopy. Services include; frozen, paraffin, methacrylate, epoxy processing, sectioning and complete transmission/scanning electron microscopy services.
  2. Equipment resource, housing a laser microdissection system, two confocal microscopes, automated histology and electron microscopy tissue processors, ultramicrotomes, cryostats, various fluorescence and phase microscopes and image processing software.
  3. Consultation for various histology, electron microscopy and microscopy procedures and troubleshooting, and training on all microscopes.

Personnel/Contact Information:

Manager: Philip Seifert
Phone: (617) 912-0209

Research Technician: Bianai Fan
Phone: (617) 912-0209


Location of Core:

Schepens Eye Research Institute of Mass. Eye and Ear, SERI Morphology Lab (Room 139), 20 Staniford Street, Boston, MA 02474


Please limit sample identification to 6 or less digits/letters in length (e.g. 302OD, 302OS)

Paraffin (Full Service includes, H&E staining and unstained slides for immunostaining)

Methacrylate (i.e. GMA resin)

Frozen Sectioning (includes, H&E staining and unstained slides for immunostaining)

Semi-Thin (1-micron) Epoxy (e.g. Tol. blue & PPD axon staining)

Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM, includes; semithin sectioning, ultramicrotomy, grid staining and 1 hour TEM imaging time/sample)

Scanning Electron Microscopy (includes critical point drying, sputter coating and SEM imaging)

Training on various Brightfield, Fluoresence, Confocal, Laser Microdissection, and Electron Microscopes

NOTE: Wide Format poster printing services no longer being offered, see links below.

Getting Started:

To create a new customer account and to request services for an existing account please Click Here.

Service Request Instructions:

1) Please Identify all samples along with species, fixative, stain (H&E, PAS, Tol. Blue, or PPD), # of Unstained slides, orientation, sectioning details and inform us of any special requests to the 'Additional information about the Project / Request' text box.

2) If needed, Print out all Morphology sample 'Service Requests' and submit the printed form along with samples to SERI  Morphology Personnel in SERI room 139 Core Lab.

3) All publications and presentations from work received through the SERI Morphology Core must include the following in the Acknowledgements or funding sources;  NIH National Eye Institute Core Grant P30EY003790.

UPDATED 2-23-2023


Mass General Hospital Photography Department has wide format poster printing services on photo paper or fabric and can cover the charges with various methods of payment (i.e. MGB cost center number, grant/fund number or personal charge).  Below are links for further information and to order prints;

MGH Poster Printing Services Available to MEE/MGB


Training & Assistance

  • All the new users need to register and request training through the MGB Research Core website;

Drop Off & Pick Up Area (Room 139)

Use MGB Research Core website to generate a service request;


  • · Please label the SMORPH service request number on the container or plate of samples and submit tissue samples in the designated ‘PICK UP/ DROP OFF’ tray area beside the printer on the center bench in Room 139. For refrigerated samples (e.g. optic nerves and TEM samples) label the SMORPH Service request number on the container or plate of samples and place them in the refrigerator.
  • · All completed slides and samples can be picked up in the ‘PICK UP/ DROP OFF’ tray area beside the printer on the center bench in Room 139.
  • · Please email and schedule with Philip Seifert if you need ½ Karnovsky’s fixative which will be available in room 139 Refrigerator.