BRMC Confocal Core

The goal of the Brigham Regenerative Medicine Center Confocal Core is to bring the latest imaging available to answer key questions in molecular and cell biology especially pertaining to regenerative medicine. As a BWH core, it was also created to meet the needs of the BWH and all other affiliated communities in all aspects of advanced microscopy and image analysis. The core is located at the BRMC on the 7th floor of the Building for Transformative Medcine at 60 Fenwood Road in Boston. 

Personnel/Contact Information:

Director: Yick Fong, Ph.D.

Location of Core:
Building for Transformative Medcine
60 Fenwood Road, Rm 7028
Boston, MA 02115

Major Equipment: Olympus FV1200 Confocal Microscope

The facility is equipped with an Olympus FV1200 (without multi-photon capability) consisting of an Argon 458/477/488/514 nm laser, a Green HeNE 543 nm, a Red HeNe 633 nm laser, and a Coherent ULTRA near infrared tunable Titanium Sapphire laser (690 – 1040 nm). The systems allow a range of experiments with fixed or live samples with time lapse function available on all systems making it possible to perform experiments over time courses in 5 different channels.


  • Consultation in terms of the imaging system best suited to the needs of the investigator is provided.
  • Individual training in the use of any of the imaging systems in the core is provided so that users are able to work independently with the systems.
  • Imaging core staff are available to answer questions or to assist in troubleshooting. 

Geeting Started:

To access the core, please contact by email at

Departmental Web Link: