Welcome to the Rheumatology, Inflammation, and Immunity Division Flow Core

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are currently an RII Division-only core as we operate at maximum capacity. We will update our polices if/when we experience a change in demand or an opportunity to expand our available instrumentation. Thank you for your understanding.


  • Canto User Analysis - $37/hour
  • Fortessa User Analysis-$40/hour
  • Training - $70/hour


3-Laser BD FACSCanto II (8 fluorescent channels)*

  • 405nm - "Violet laser"
  • 488nm - "Blue laser"
  • 640nm - "Red laser"

5-Laser BD LSRFortessa (18 fluorescent channels)*

  • 355nm - "UV laser"
  • 405nm - "Violet laser"
  • 488nm - "Blue laser"
  • 561nm - "Yellow/Green laser"
  • 640nm - "Red laser"

*Please review specific filter layouts by clicking links to respective 4-Laser vs 5-Laser instruments!

REGISTRATION - (printable in-depth instructions found here)

  • All users must complete our New User Orientation process, found here: https://facs.bwh.harvard.edu/orientation-training/
  • When Orientation is complete, all users must fill out our Attestation Form
  • Create a New Equipment Training Request for each instrument you wish to use:
    • Click Equipment & Pricing Link > Click Training Request button next to the equipment 3L vs 5L > Fill out all relevant information > Create this Training Request (NOTE: you will need to create separate training requests for each instrument)
  • Core personnel will approve the request and help schedule a 1-hour supervised training for your first experiment


  • After logging into MGB CMS account, click “User” Menu > “Funds”
  • Click “+ New Fund” on the right
  • Enter 6-digit Partners/Peoplesoft Fund Number and click “Lookup” 
  • Verify all information is correct, then click “Assign Fund”


  • Click on the link for either 3L Schedule vs 5L Schedule to view each instrument calendar
  • Click on the calendar on the specific date and time you wish to book
  • Adjust times, select specific services, and add a 6-digit Peoplesoft fund or select existing fund from menu to be billed for the event and create the entry
  • To modify or cancel an event, click on the event and make necessary adjustments (Note: Cancellation Policy below)


  • Invoices will be sent monthly, 7 days after the end of the month when event took place. (e.g. Usage Month: April, Invoices Sent: May 7th)
  • Review invoices thoroughly and notify core personnel of any discrepancies or changes needed. Core personnel will make changes and issue a new invoice
  • On the 14th day following the previous months' service, core personnel will no longer be able to manually adjust previous events, and all changes must be made via MGB CMS administrators (e.g. Usage Month: April, Invoice Changes by: May 14th)
  • Invoices will be fulfilled electronically and automatically between ~30-60 days after event takes place (e.g. Usage Month: April, Electronic Transfer: May 31st)


  • Each user must complete our full Orientation & Training process to gain access to the core
  • Each user is required to have an individual log-in and cannot use a general lab account
  • Users are allowed to book up to a maximum of 2 hours at a time during "peak hours" (Mon-Fri 12-5pm)
  • Each user is responsible for making sure the instrument is shutdown or passing that responsibility on to the next user on the calendar. DO NOT assume the next user will show up for their time without having contacted them directly to confirm. Otherwise, when in doubt, shut the instrument down after your usage.
  • Experiments containing data are not allowed to be stored within the Diva software or on the cytometer computer. They must be stored on the RII1 server, instructions can be found here.
    • Users must cancel unused bookings >6 hours before the start time to avoid charges
    • If a user cancels their booking <6 hours until their start time, and the vacated time goes unused, the user will be charged
  • Users in violation of these rules will have their privilege to use the instruments revoked

If you have any questions, please contact: RIIFC@bwh.harvard.edu