Longwood Medical Area (LMA) CyTOF Antibody Resource

The LMA CyTOF Antibody Resource and Core has an extensive collection of rare-earth metal (lanthanide) labeled antibodies specific for mouse, human, and non-human primate (NHP) cell markers, transcription factors, signaling molecules, and cytokines ready to be used for CyTOF mass cytometry. The LMA CyTOF Antibody Resource will also perform custom CyTOF panel design and custom antibody labeling for CyTOF.

Personnel/Contact Information:

James A. Lederer, PhD
Email:  jlederer@rics.bwh.harvard.edu 
Fax:  617 264 5222


Katya Murzin, BS
Email:  emurzin@bwh.harvard.edu 
Fax:  617 264 5222

John Pulford, BS
Email:  jpulford@bwh.harvard.edu 
Fax:  617 264 5222

Facilities and Equipment:

Location: Thorn Building for Medical Research, Room 423, 20 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115

  • Distribution of rare-earth metal labeled antibodies to be used for CyTOF mass cytometry
  • CyTOF antibody panel design
  • Custom labeling of antibodies or other molecules for CyTOF mass cytometry
Getting Started:

To access the LMA CyTOF Antibody Resource and Core, please contact John Pulford by email at jpulford@bwh.harvard.edu or Katya Murzin by email at emurzin@bwh.harvard.edu