- Crimson Core
Crimson Core
The Crimson Biomaterials Collection Core Facility prospectively collects discarded clinical materials matching investigator-defined criteria against available information on clinical samples, including ICD.9 codes and results of clinical laboratory testing. Studies using the core must either (1) have an IRB-approved protocol for discarded clinical materials and anonymized information or (2) a protocol to allow collection of discarded samples from patients consented for their study. Collected samples may be additionally processed, aliquotted, or tested per the menu of clinical laboratory tests available within the BWH Clinical Laboratories. As of March 2006 the core will provide a web-based software application, called “Crimson” to allow investigators and associated study staff to manage collected sample repositories and associated data.
Personnel/Contact Information:
Director: Lynn Bry, M.D., Ph.D.
Phone: (617) 732-7763
Fax: (617) 264-6898
Email: lbry@bwh.harvard.edu
Business Manager: Tim Janicki, MBA
Phone: (617) 278-0553
Email: tjanicki@bwh.harvard.edu
Facilities and Equipments:
Location of Core:
Brigham & Women’s Hospital Clinical Laboratories.
Major Equipment:
Specimen collection and processing equipment.
Getting Started:
To access the core, please contact Tim Janicki at (617) 278-0553 or by email at tjanicki@bwh.harvard.edu.
Departmental Web Link: