MGH Next Generation Sequencing Core

Link to our core's external site here.


Basic pricing for NextGen library construction and sequencing services is given below. Additional fees apply for downstream Bioinformatics analysis services or consultations. Please contact us for additional pricing information or Bioinformatics consulting.

Singe-cell library construction

Internal (MGB) External Academic Industry
10X single-cell RNA-Seq library prep $2348 $3381 $4226
10X single-cell ATAC-Seq library prep $2529 $3642 $4553
10X single-cell CITE-Seq library prep $2346 $3378 $4223
10X Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression library prep $3945 $5681 $7102
10X chip surcharge $514 $740 $925
10X extraction of nuclei $348 $501 $627
10X single-cell RNA-Seq 1-plex FLEX library prep from formaldehyde-fixed cells $2473 $3562 $4452
10X single-cell RNA-Seq 4-plex FLEX library prep from formaldehyde-fixed cells $4784 $6889 $8611
10X single-cell RNA-Seq 1-plex FLEX library prep from FFPE samples (cells resuspended by customer) $2473 $3562 $4452
10X single-cell RNA-Seq 4-plex FLEX library prep from FFPE samples (cells resuspended by customer) $4784 $6889 $8611
10X single-cell RNA-Seq 1-plex FLEX library prep from live or frozen cells $2602 $3746 $4683
10X single-cell RNA-Seq 4-plex FLEX library prep from live or frozen cells $5027 $7239 $9048

Library construction from bulk input

Internal (MGB) External Academic Industry
NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep $168 $242 $303
NEBNext Multiplex Small RNA Library Prep $239 $344 $430
Clontech SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA library prep v4 $386 $556 $695
NEBNext Single Cell/Low Input RNA Library Prep $268 $385 $482
NEBNext PolyA + NEBNext Ultra II RNA Library Prep


$333 $416
NEBNext rRNA Depletion + NEBNext Ultra II RNA Library Prep


$431 $539
Thruplex low-input DNA library prep $186 $269 $336
Clontech Pico RNA library prep $425 $612 $765
NEBNext blood Globin & rRNA Depletion + NEBNext UltraII Library Prep
(see Norgen blood RNA extraction below)
$302 $435 $544


Related Services

Internal (MGB) External Academic Industry
Fragmentation by Covaris $90 $130 $162
Norgen blood RNA extraction from Paxgene tubes $24 $34 $43
Trizol RNA extraction from cell culture $27 $39 $48
Tapestation of DNA or RNA $30 $43 $53
Library quality control (required before pooling & sequencing)


$94 $117


Sequencing settings

Illumina NextSeq 2000 instrument can run four types of kits: P1, P2, P3, P4 and can generate reads of various lengths. Libraries can be sequenced in either single-read (SR) or paired-end (PE) mode. Total bases sequenced (not including index/barcode) must be less than kit cycles. 

Shared flowcells are priced per million reads. Libraries will be pooled with other projects. Choice of barcode/index is important. Custom sequencing primers cannot be used on shared flowcells.

Kit     Output (millions of reads)     Kits available (total cycles/bases)
P1 100 100, 300, 600
P2 440 100, 200, 300, 600
P3 1100 50, 100, 200, 300
P4 1800 50, 100, 200, 300


Illumina NextSeq 2000 sequencing

       Internal (MGB)
       External Academic
Kit Run settings Full flowcell Cost per million reads Full flowcell Cost per million reads Full flowcell Cost per million reads
P1 PE50 $1334 $13.34 $1921 $19.21 $2402 $24.02
P1 SR100 $1312 $13.12 $1889 $18.89 $2362 $23.62
P1 PE150 $1902 $19.02 $2739 $27.39 $3424 $34.24
P1 PE300 $2804 $28.04 $4038 $40.38 $5047 $50.47
P2 PE50 $1774 $4.03 $2555 $5.81 $3194 $7.26
P2 SR100 $1759 $4.00 $2532 $5.76 $3166 $7.19
P2 PE100 $3352 $7.62 $4826 $10.97 $6033 $13.71
P2 SR200 $3336 $7.58 $4804 $10.92 $6005 $13.65
P2 PE150 $4522 $10.28 $6512 $14.80 $8140 $18.50
P2 PE300 $5317 $12.08 $7656 $17.40 $9570 $21.75
P3 PE25 $2878 $2.62 $4144 $3.77 $5180 $4.71
P3 SR50 $2860 $2.60 $4119 $3.74 $5149 $4.68
P3 PE50 $3683 $3.35 $5304 $4.82 $6630 $6.03
P3 SR100 $3666 $3.33 $5279 $4.80 $6598 $6.00
P3 PE100 $5121 $4.66 $7375 $6.70 $9218 $8.38
P3 SR200 $5104 $4.64 $7349 $6.68 $9187 $8.35
P3 PE150 $6100 $5.55 $8784 $7.99 $10980 $9.98
P4 PE25 $2593 $1.85 $3734 $2.67 $4667 $3.33
P4 SR50 $2562 $1.83 $3689 $2.63 $4611 $3.29
P4 PE50 $3746 $2.68 $5394 $3.85 $6743 $4.82
P4 SR100 $3715 $2.65 $5349 $3.82 $6687 $4.78
P4 PE100 $5288 $3.78 $7615 $5.44 $9519 $6.80
P4 SR200 $5257 $3.76 $7570 $5.41 $9463 $6.76
P4 PE150 $6745 $4.82 $9713 $6.94 $12142 $8.67