Center for Clinical Investigation

Director: Dr. Lindsey Baden, MD

The Center for Clinical Investigation (CCI) is the home of clinical research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding high-quality clinical research by providing a comprehensive range of practical services, an environment conducive to clinical research, and continuing education for research staff at all levels.

Personnel/Contact Information:

Lindsey Baden, M.D.

Executive Director: Yemi Talabi-Oates
Phone: (617) 732-7031

Core Main Email:

CCI Research Operations Service Support (CROSS) Core Services

Rates are set by BWH and expected to increase 5-8% annually. New rates are effective Oct 1 for all studies.

*Please contact the CCI for External for Profit and Industry rates or additional

FY23 CCI Pricing List 

Rates are effective Oct 1st 2022 and re-evaluated each year depending on utilization of services and economies of scale. 
Category Services Description Billing Unit
Outpatient Visits

Outpatient Visit Includes scheduled visit time (up to 4 hrs), Phlebotomy and Simple Specimen Collection, Simple Processing Hourly
Outpatient Visit 3-6 PM  Includes scheduled visit time (up to 4 hrs), Phlebotomy and Simple Specimen Collection, Simple Processing Hourly
Extended Room Use Scheduled visit time greater than 4 hours Hourly
Inpatient Visits

Inpatient Visit Inpt Visit includes RN basic clinical services such as Admission, Clinical Nursing Care Monitoring, Vital Signs as well as basic specimen processing by Lab Techs. Does not include RN research-related tasks such as med administration, IV placement, infusions, EKGs etc. Visit Day
Inpatient Visit (Weekend) Includes same services as above, with reduced rate for weekend overnights Visit Day
Clinical Research Services
Lab/Med Tech Phlebotomy  Onsite Phlebotomy (no room use).  Basic Processing included Each
Phlebotomy - Offsite Offsite Phlebotomy. Basic Processing included Each
Med Tech and Advanced Lab Processing Services Vital Signs, Height, Weight, EKG, Specimen Processing, Ancillary Drop-off; Dangerous goods shipping support  Hourly
Freezer Storage Data entry into Lab system, monitored storage, retrieval Sample/Month
Nursing Registered Nurse Services Research Services both on and off-site (travel time is billed) Hourly
Advanced Practitioner NP/PA Services Research Services; travel time is billed Hourly

Calorimetry Equipment use Calorimetry Equipment use and rental fee. Does not include Dietary staff time for operating device Hourly
Specialized Nutrition Services Counseling, food intake analysis, running calorimeter or BIA equipment Hourly
Weighed Meals: Isocaloric and Up to 2 Micro Nutrient Controlled Meals Each
Weighed Meals: Isocaloric and Up to 3+ Micro Nutrient Controlled Meals Each
Weighed Snacks Nutrient Controlled Snacks Each
Standard Meals Regular Meals for outpatient visits Each
Standard Snacks Regular Snacks for outpatient visits Each
Constant Routine Meals Constant Routine Meals Meal/Hour
Above standard packing (per cycle) Temperature controlled pack-outs for pick up (must be used if participant is traveling >2hrs) Each
Specialized Equipment
Equipment Use YSI Equipment Use YSI equipment use only. Does not include Lab Tech time for Glucose analysis.  Each
Hemocue Equipment use Hemocue equipment use only. Does not include Lab Tech time for Hemoglobin analysis  Each
Specialty Research Services
Research Coordination RCNet Services IRB Applications, IND Applications, Study Start Up, Recruiting, Visit Coordination Hourly
Project Management Project Management Services Research Project Management and Regulatory Services Hourly
Data Quality and Management Basic Data Services Data exports, create analytic files, review data for completeness, create new variables, create data collection forms from provided content, data management activities, database design, build, and maintenance Hourly

Data Management Services Oversee database design, data collection, and data quality monitoring and management; Develop case report forms from protocol; develop and generate study reports, build data quality checks into the database Hourly
Data Monitoring Provide quality monitoring to evaluate clinical data integrity to assure data is accurate and complete in accordance with the protocol; may include clinical, regulatory, and investigational drug service monitoring Hourly
Biostats  Biostatistical Consult Research Services Hourly
Administrative Services

Administrative Support  This one-time fee includes: Protocol Review; Resource Review and Consultations; Implementation Meeting and Scheduling Support Services. Waived for research funded by federal, state, academic or not-for-profit organizations using clinician or specialty research services.
 Includes 300 room only visits/visit hours, whichever occurs first, for Non-Industry studies using Outpatient Rooms and no Clinician or Specialty Services 

Administrative Support - Extended Non-Industry studies using Outpatient Rooms and no Clinician or Specialty Services - beyond initial 300 room-only visits/visit hours Protocol

Cancellation A - Inpatient Only applied when inpatient cancellations are within 1 week, per day resource charge (after level 2 warning process) Canellation

Cancellation A - Outpatient Only applied when there are same day outpatient cancellations, per hour resource charge (after level 2 warning process) Cancellation

Cancellation A - Inpatient Only applied when inpatient cancellations are within 1-2 weeks, per day resource charge (after level 2 warning process) Canellation
Other Phlebotomy Training Training for research coordinators; no shows will be charged Class
EKG/Vitals Training Training for research coordinators; no shows will be charged Class